Transferring to the Ph.D. Program

Students who excel in the QSB program can be considered for admission to the IBiS Ph.D. program. In recent years (2020-22), 63% (5/8) QSB students who applied for transfer to IBiS were accepted.
QSB transfer applicants are evaluated relative to the entire pool of IBiS applicants. Because IBiS Admissions is highly competitive, only some QSB students are admitted to IBiS.
- To be fully considered with other IBiS applicants, QSB students wanting to transfer to IBiS should apply for the fall (early December) IBiS application deadline. Application for transfer is submitted using The Graduate School's (TGS) CollegeNet system.
- QSB students can apply for transfer to IBiS after December, but must apply to transfer via The Graduate School's (TGS) CollegeNet system by March 31. Transfer applications submitted after the fall IBiS application deadline are considered in April after offers have been made to fall applicants.
- QSB students who are admitted to the IBiS program are expected to complete their Master’s degree in August and start the IBiS program at the beginning of September along with the rest of the incoming IBiS class.
- QSB transfer students will receive credit for IBiS courses taken through the QSB program (with a grade of B or higher) and will be required to complete only those additional courses required by IBiS.
- As IBiS students, former QSB students will be required to complete three research rotations in Fall, Winter, and Spring quarters before joining a lab. Although transfer students are allowed to join the lab in which they conducted their Master’s thesis research, this outcome is neither guaranteed nor required. QSB transfer students will match with IBiS thesis advisors following the standard procedures of the IBiS program.
- Recent History of QSB to IBiS Transfers:
Class of 2021 - 1 application, 1 accepted (QSB class size = 4)
Class of 2020 - 4 applications, 2 accepted (QSB class zie = 4)