2025-2026 Assistant Professor of Instruction Application Instructions

Assistant Professor of Instruction in Biological Sciences

The Department of Molecular Biosciences seeks to recruit candidates at the Assistant Professor of Instruction level. We seek candidates with experience and teaching interests in Genetics, Molecular and Cellular Biology, Biostatistics, Genomics, Biochemistry and Biophysics, but these may vary based on the expertise of the candidate. To see the full ad, please click here.

Applications will be accepted through our online application system. Please prepare all documents in advance as incomplete applications CAN NOT be saved.  The following information is required:

1. Prepare three separate PDFs for the following and label as indicated:

  • Cover letter to the Search Committee
    LastNameFirstInitial_coverletter.pdf (example: smithd_coverletter.pdf)
  • Curriculum vitae
    LastNameFirstInitial_CV.pdf (example: smithd_CV.pdf)
  • Teaching portfolio
    LastNameFirstInitial_research.pdf  (example: smithd_research.pdf)

File name conventions listed above are required.  Please save or "print-to-PDF" your individual documents in PDF format. This method is preferred over scanning because it retains text recognition capabilities.

2. External References:

Please prepare a list of names and e-mail addresses for your external references.  Three references are required but you may include up to five.  Please notify your references that directions for uploading a letter of recommendation will be automatically e-mailed directly to them.  These notifications are sent out in batches so it may be a few days before your reference receives the e-mail. References will be asked to use the following naming convention:  YourLastName_Recommender'sLastName.pdf (example: smith_jones.pdf)

3. Submit application:

After compiling your pdf files and list of references, please proceed to the online application submission page. You must complete all required fields before clicking the submit button. The system will NOT accept incomplete applications and there is no opportunity to save incomplete applications.

You will receive an e-mail confirmation shortly after you have submitted your application. Review of applications will begin on February 28, 2025 and continue until the position is filled.

Please direct any questions about the application submission process to: molbioscisearch@northwestern.edu.